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..... working with you to get it right first time.




Fraud Detection
Trace Enquiries
Travel Claim Validation
Public & Employers Liability
Commercial Claims Validation
Household Claims Validation
Credit Hire
Motor Claims Validation
Field Investigation
Telephone Investigation
Desktop Enquiries

Why Us?

Our clients are at the heart of everything that we do and we are committed to working with you to get it right first time.


We can provide a fully managed investigation service using end-to-end encryption to liaise with your investigator and securely exchange evidence.


Alternatively, we can eliminate the costly layer of quality control, case management and intelligence, which is essential to some clients, but unnecessary for others. This no-nonsense approach simplifies the instruction of an investigator when you have case management capability and just need ‘feet on the street’ to take a statement or knock on a door.


Our solution puts you in touch with a network of experienced investigators around the world aimed at maximising your investment in your case handlers and intelligence resource, so that you can manage the investigation in the most cost effective way and also provide a secure method of exchanging evidence.




Our Investigators

Local people with local knowedge!


Our investigation resource has a wide range of experience ranging from telephone investigation to field resource. Their insurance expertise includes Property, Motor, Travel and Liability. Simply specify your requirements and an investigator will be allocated based on rating, location, experience and expertise.


Investigation resource will normally be offered within 30 miles of your enquiry to maximise on local knowledge, minimise costs associated with travel, but where the distance is greater you will be provided with details of any additional cost.


Our network ensures that we can provide maximum geographic coverage and we always welcome enquiries from experienced individuals with a proven investigation background who can work unsupervised.

Our Clients

Our registered clients include insurers, brokers, law enforcement agencies, legal firms, investigation companies and claimant organisations alike, which makes our service somewhat unique.


What makes our service special is that we allow you to tailor your investigation package to match your unique requirements whilst providing you with complete control over the resource through our secure portal.



Investigation Network

Contact Us





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© 2016 by The Investigation Network Ltd.

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